Le pouvoir surnaturel des chats

The supernatural power of cats

of reading - words

Did you know that cats are endowed with several supernatural powers ? Do you want to find out which ones?

In this case, you are in the right place! In this article, we will reveal to you 7 supernatural powers that our cat friends possess!

Since Ancient Egypt, the cat was revered and considered a sacred animal . Just like humans, he was mummified when he died to guarantee him eternal life in the afterlife. Throughout history, the cat has left its mark on civilizations and is often attributed with supernatural gifts.

We will reveal them all to you here in this article! Let's go together to discover the incredible powers of our cat friends! 🐱

curious cat

1/ Cats keep our hearts in excellent health.

You read correctly ! According to a scientific study carried out on 4,500 people, cats have the ability to reduce the percentage of heart attacks or strokes by 30% . This study was carried out over a period of 10 years.

What is the reason ? It is very likely that this is due to their soothing purrs . Scientists have looked into the subject and carried out several studies.

The result ? Purring cats may indeed have the effect of reducing stress and blood pressure . The frequency of these small noises would vary between 20 and 140 hertz and would be beneficial for health. There are also many ASMR videos of cat purring.

This is most likely why cats have the power to preserve our hearts, because they reduce our stress .

So don’t hesitate to indulge in long cuddle sessions with your beloved feline!

cat hugging

The purring of cats is ideal for relaxing!

2/ Cats reduce stress.

Cats are examples to follow in terms of relaxation. They are able to sleep for hours . Here are several reasons why they help reduce our stress:

  • As we have just seen previously, their purring soothes and would be beneficial for our health . The frequency in question would have an impact on us.
  • Cats nap a lot. This little habit is an example to follow. Did you know that taking a short nap daily could improve your memory, creativity, mood and productivity?
  • Cats are professionals when it comes to meditation! They can remain motionless for hours staring at a specific point. They live in the present moment and savor life!
  • Cats are very funny and have this ability to make us laugh . As you probably know, laughter is extremely beneficial for your health and helps reduce stress. Your pet is sure to make you laugh on many occasions!

funny cat

3/ Cats see spirits.

It’s a theory that many share! Cats would be able to see beings invisible to our human eyes . Cats sometimes stare with interest at something you can't see.

The main reason is thought to come from cats' unique vision. They would indeed be able to perceive a broader spectrum of vision than ours. These felines would thus see lights or things invisible to our eyes.

This would be the most plausible explanation for this phenomenon. However, nothing is certain and there are still many disturbing paranormal reports, where cats feel attacked by an invisible force. Let's remember, threatened cats turn their backs, meow and have bristling hairs.

4/ Cats have excellent long-term memory.

These adorable animals have the ability to remember their owner for a very long time . They establish strong affections with those who spend a lot of time with them. They won't forget you, they can even find their way back if they get lost.

The short memory of the cat can reach, can last up to 16 hours, while that of the dog does not exceed 5 minutes.

It is particularly on the criterion of long memory where the cat excels. If the latter had a bad experience with his former master, he will not forget it for years and will be wary of humans.

cute cat

Be careful not to offend your cat! He will remember it for a very long time and you will have to make it up to him. Conversely, he will not forget the moments of love and cuddles!

5/ They can survive incredible falls.

It is said that a cat has 9 lives.

Indeed, these animals have very good resistance and the ability to endure difficult experiences. They can even resist serious illnesses such as cancer for a very long time.

Additionally, cats can survive impressive falls. According to an American study in 1987, it was admitted that:

  • The higher the height, the more terminal velocity the cat gains. If, for example, a cat falls from a building of more than 5 floors, a sort of parachute effect is triggered . It can survive a fall from this height in 90% of cases, if it is treated quickly.
  • During the study, some cats fell 26 stories and survived with absolutely no injuries.

How do they manage to survive such falls?

In the wild, cats live a lot in trees and they have a habit of falling from a very young age. It is very likely that this animal species has developed increased resistance for this reason.

They are able to balance themselves, so as to land more or less without injury. So, convinced by this superpower? 🐱

jumping kitten

6/ They bring luck.

Did you know that in Japan, cats are associated with luck ?

This is why there are many small cat figurines, called Maneki Neko. These statuettes raise their paws to ear level.

Tradition dictates that we place the figurine in front of the door of our home, in order to attract luck, happiness and prosperity . It is a symbol of abundance which is embodied by this popular feline.

In Japanese culture, the cat is truly adored and respected by its owners. Shopkeepers believe that a Maneki-Neko located in front of their shop attracts the number of visitors.

In China, he embodies peace and fortune . In Russia, it is also considered a real lucky charm and almost 60% of Russian families have a cat at home! It is a true global success across the world, which leads us to our latest superpower...

7/ They are very popular.

The cat began living with humans around 10,000 years ago, in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East. He would subsequently experience success in Ancient Egypt, where he would be revered. For example, taking a cat outside the country's borders was punishable by death. The goddess Bast (Bastet) was one of the most popular with the Egyptians. She was depicted with the head of a cat.

Cats embodied protection, fertility and motherhood . They protected the crops from vermin.

These days, cats are also enjoying great success. This feline is the most popular pet in most Western countries as well as Russia.

On the internet, cat videos accumulate millions of views . You have understood, the cat fascinates. This animal is extremely popular and adored by most people.

hug cat

Relations between cats and humans are, fortunately, very often filled with love and tenderness.

The cat: An extraordinary animal.

You now know the 7 main superpowers of our cat friends!

They have others, including:

  • Very fast running speed.
  • Impressive strength in the legs, as well as extraordinary agility.
  • An ability to jump more than 5 to 6 times its size, thanks to the strength of its hind legs.
  • Unparalleled elasticity and flexibility. A cat can squeeze through tiny holes, twist and change direction with lightning speed.
  • Super hearing, capable of detecting sounds 180 degrees, inaudible to the human ear. Cats can hear a voice four to five times further than a human.

Impressive isn't it? You are now a true expert when it comes to cats.

If you have one and would like to let us know, we invite you to discover the collection of Cat Sweaters that we offer on our site. Nothing could be simpler, just click on the link below!

Cat sweaters

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