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Top 10 Cutest Cats in the World!

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We all love cute cats because they are adorable and fun to watch. And just like dogs, cats are trusted companions and members of the family. Although they may seem lazy and spend almost half the day sleeping, we love them when they get into mischief and especially when they give us cuddles .

But first, I have a question... Do you like cats? If so, I would like you to discover our selection of the most adorable earrings for cat lovers , as well as our complete guide to understanding the usefulness of a cat tree and choosing the right one. cat that suits you .

Cat earrings

Here we go, discover our: Top 10 cutest purebred cats in the world!

  • PS: This list is subjective and based on personal opinion. And you, which one do you prefer?


cute ragdoll

The Ragdoll is a fairly young breed compared to other cat breeds. Ragdoll is said to be the result of Ann Baker, a breeder from California. However, not much is known about the cat breeds that make up this magnificently coated cat.

The Ragdoll is also cute because it is very friendly . Often, he stays with his owners and his family. He greets you when you come home and he gets along well with your dog . So there is no need to worry if you have both Ragdoll and a dog at home.

Additionally, the Ragdoll is cute and relatively easy to train by praising it and giving it rewards. Which allows him to learn new tricks quite quickly.

The lifespan of the Ragdoll is 12 to 17 years. The female Ragdoll can weigh 3 to 8 kilos, while the male Ragdoll can weigh 4 to 9 kilos.


cute maine coon

The Maine Coon is one of the largest cat breeds and one of the most popular cat breeds in recent years. It is known for its typical giant size, fluffy mane and especially its fluffy tail. Its appearance gives us the expression of a winter cat, and it seems true that it prefers winter .

The origin of the Maine Coon is still a mystery today, and therefore there are many theories and myths about this breed of very cute, gentle and very large cats.

The Maine Coon is a very friendly cat who clings to owners while being very tolerant . This means he will enjoy going for walks with you. He will be even more adorable if you take the time to play with him. If you have a dog at home, he can also get along with it.

In addition to its beautiful appearance, the Maine Coon is an excellent mouse catcher , and in addition to being cute, it is an intelligent cat .

The lifespan of the Maine Coon is 9 to 15 years. The female can weigh 3.5 to 5.5 kilos, while the male can weigh 6 to 9 kilos.


cute persian cat

As its name suggests, the Persian cat originated in an ancient territory, Persia. It is one of the oldest and popular cat breeds in the world, because it can be very cute and it is beautiful .

He is a cat with character . It is said that the Persian cat can be raised in any family, as long as the environment is calm. He is famous for his calm and gentle character. Additionally, he has an extremely gentle little meow, but he prefers to communicate with his eyes rather than "meow."

The Persian cat does not need a lot of attention, but gentle and attentive treatment should be enough for him to be the cutest cat.

On the other hand, the Persian will be bossy with your children if they like to drag him around and force him to exercise. He's not exactly friendly with your guests either.

But if you treat him gently, the Persian is one of the cutest cats!

The lifespan of the Persian cat is 10 to 15 years. It can weigh 3 to 5 kilos.


cute Burmese cat

The Burmese is one of the most popular cat breeds in America, with its distinct soft white fur, blue eyes, and "white" paws.

It is said to come from the Holy Land of Burma, then it was brought to Europe. Its first arrival in America and Europe dates back to after 1950.

The Burmese is sweet and cute . He is a loyal friend of your family because of his gentle and kind character . He enjoys hanging out with you and your other pets, and doesn't require a lot of attention .

Although the Birman may seem lazy at first, he is a playful cat, especially with your other pets (even if they are dogs).

It is also said that he likes to discover his house , so he walks all over the house. Therefore, you may need to look for it from time to time!

The lifespan of the Burmese is 12 to 16 years. It can weigh 4 to 7 kilos.


cute sphynx cat

Before we get into the feline breed itself, the Sphynx cat does not come from Egypt. It actually comes from a kitten born in Canada in 1966. Little by little it became more and more popular and today it is one of the most popular cat breeds in the world.

The Sphynx is also very cute . He is a kind and sociable cat who likes to be with you. Cute and also sticky ! You'll probably find it on your bed most nights . When you are away, he wanders around the house and plays with whatever he finds. That said, he does not like to be alone and will prefer the company of other animals , even with dogs.

Importantly, since the Sphynx cat does not have hair, its skin will need attention.

The lifespan of the Sphynx is 8 to 14 years. It can weigh 3 to 5 kilos.


cute scottish fold

The Scottish Fold is the descendant of Susie, a cat with cute folded ears born in the 1960s. It is today a breed recognized throughout the world.

While being a cute , calm cat with a deep voice, he is a curious and friendly companion. He prefers to be with you and participate in your activities. He is also a playful cat who enjoys playing fetch and other fun games.

In addition, it is a very adaptive cat breed that adapts to different environments, both quiet and noisy. They also have no problem adapting in new environments.

The lifespan of the Scottish Fold is 11 to 14 years. It can weigh 3 to 6 kilos.


cute british shorthair

British Shorthair cats, just like the name mentioned, originate from England and they have a very Chic look with a characteristic soft and dense gray coat.

Cute , he may nevertheless be reserved upon his arrival, but he will quickly get used to your family. British Shorthair kittens are quite energetic , but as they become adults, they become more and more calm , cute and adorable. To the point that they often prefer to lie down on the sofa!

Therefore, occasional exercise in the form of play can be great for them. Its sweet and terribly cute character makes it a pleasant companion with your whole family. Although they don't like to be carried around like a stuffed animal, it looks a lot like one!

The lifespan of British Shorthair is 12 to 17 years. The female can weigh 3 to 4 kilos, and the male can weigh 5 to 8 kilos.


cute munchkin cat

In the dog world we have the Short Legged Corgi. In the feline world, we have the short-legged Munchkin! Originally, the Munchkin is not a natural breed of cat, it is a new breed of short-legged cat .

Contrary to what people may think, Munchkin is actually fast and playful . He is a very cute and gentle cat who loves to play with you. Including with your children and your other pets (even dogs).

Despite its popularity, it is a cat that does not attract unanimous approval, but despite all judgment, we find this cat adorable and incredibly cute.

Munchkin's lifespan can reach 13+ years. It can weigh 2 to 4 kilos.


cute exotic shorthair

The exotic shorthair is said to come from the cross between the Persian and other cat breeds such as the American Shorthair.

Too cute, his character is calm and gentle , just like Persian cats. However, he is not a lazy cat. He loves you and loves spending time with you . He communicates mostly through his eyes and expressions so much so that you will rarely hear his soft voice .

He does not require special attention, he is rather very easy to live with and can play alone with a mouse for example.

The lifespan of the exotic shorthair is approximately 8 to 15 years. It can weigh 3.5 to 7 kilos.


cute siberian cat

The Siberian is originally from Siberia, which is also why it has long, thick fur. It's like the national treasure of Russia. We can find many stories where this cute cat features.

It seems that living in a cold environment gives these Siberian cats a particularly cute behavior . They like to share time with you. They are extremely caring. When you are sick, they come to comfort you !

Cute, calm and gentle does not mean they are inactive. They are very playful and are ready for any game you throw at them.

Siberian cats are said to love playing with water , so it can be quite common for them to splash water in the bathtub, or play in puddles.


So who do you think is the cutest cat? And do not forget :

  • Want to get even more cuddles from your cat? Discover now: How to make your cat more cuddly!
  • Do you want to know more about the Persian cat? Discover this magnificent article: The Persian cat, a character!

Cat paintings

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