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The Persian Cat, a Character!

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The Persian? A proud, dignified and elegant cat, but also calm and gentle ... Under certain conditions!

Although Persians tend to be relaxed and easy-going, that doesn't mean they won't be annoyed by noisy children or pets. They look like royalty!

However, those who treat the Persian cat with the dignity and gentleness it deserves will be rewarded with a cuddly and affectionate cat who loves to be petted, or even brushed. If you want a best friend who will return all your devotion and love in kind, the Persian may be the right cat for your family.

But let me tell you a little more!

Persian Cat Character


The Persian is a very old breed . This cat with its long and magnificent coat was born in the cradle of civilization: Mesopotamia, later known as Persia , today's Iran. The breed's long hair was likely the result of a natural mutation.

The Persian caught the attention of Pietro Della Valle , a 17th-century Italian nobleman and world traveler, who is credited with bringing the first long-haired cats to Europe in 1626 . At that time, cats had silky, shiny gray fur, but thanks to selective breeding, Persians now come in a kaleidoscope of colors.

Until the late 19th century , when breeding and showing cats became popular, long-haired cats from Persia, Turkey, Afghanistan, and other exotic places were known simply as "Asian" cats. " and were often raised together. At the Crystal Palace Cat Show in 1871, Persian-type cats were among the breeds on display. They were popular pets of the time and had a special cachet due to Queen Victoria's fondness for this breed . Even in Victoria's time, her "celebrity" was making a Persian, a cat that was desired.

Persian cat story

Through selective breeding , cat fanciers began to mold the Persian into its current appearance. They bred cats to have round heads , short faces , snub noses , chubby cheeks , small rounded ears , large eyes, and sturdy bodies . Their fur was longer than that of the Angora cat, and their legs were shorter. Soon the Persians surpassed the Angoras in popularity.

In the United States , where they were first imported in the late 19th century , they also became favorites, supplanting the long-haired Maine Coon , which had once held pride of place in American homes. In just over a century, the Persian has become the most beloved cat breed in the world, prized for its beautiful appearance and gentle personality.


It is a medium sized cat. Persians generally weigh between 3 and 5 kilos .

Persian cat size


The Persian has character, he is proud and dignified. He is also known to be calm and gentle . At home, it is a real decorative accessory that sits proudly . On your lap, his rightful place, he will enjoy spending time being petted if you are perceptive enough to recognize his superior qualities!

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Cat key ring

The Persian likes calm and kind children . If they are gentle with him, he will happily let himself be stroked and brushed, but will be able to be authoritarian with children who consider him a simple stuffed animal!

Persians have character, they are affectionate, but discriminating . That is to say, they reserve their attention for family members and the few guests who come to share a cup of tea in whom they trust.

Persian cat

Back to our beautiful and cute Persian. He does not like noisy environments. They are sedentary cats who prefer a serene home where little changes over time. With large, expressive eyes and a soft, musical meow , Persians have simple needs : regular meals, a little play with a catnip mouse or a feathered mouse, and lots of love, which they return ten times more.

To summarize the character and behavior of the Persian cat, I would say that there is little chance that the Persian will climb your curtains , or jump on your kitchen worktop. He just walks on the floor or on accessible furniture. When you are at work or busy at home, the Persian is content to adorn a chair, sofa or bed until you are free to admire it and give it the attention it deserves. she receives willingly, but never demands .


Persian cat health

Cat breeds affect possible health problems which are often genetic in nature. Although they are beautiful and gentle, Persians are prone to a number of potential health problems , most commonly related to their facial structure:

  • Difficulty breathing or noisy breathing caused by narrowing of the nostrils.
  • Dental malocclusions, meaning the teeth do not mesh well together.
  • Eye conditions such as cherry eye
  • Heat sensitivity
  • Polycystic kidney disease, for which genetic testing is available
  • Susceptibility to ringworm, a fungal infection
  • Oleotic seborrhea, a skin condition that causes itching, redness and hair loss.


The most important thing to understand about caring for a Persian is the need for daily grooming . That long, beautiful coat doesn't stay clean and tangle-free on its own. It should be combed and brushed gently, but thoroughly every day and regular bathing (at least once a month) is a good idea.

Persian cat care

Another factor to consider is the issue of litter boxes. Litter can become lodged in a Persian's paws or coat. If the cat and the litter box are not kept scrupulously clean , a Persian is more likely than most to stop using the litter box.

Excessive tearing can be a problem in Persian cats. So, wipe the corners of the eyes every day to prevent spots from forming under the eyes. You can also brush their teeth to prevent so-called periodontal diseases. Daily dental hygiene is best, but weekly brushing is better than nothing.

It's a good idea to keep a Persian as an indoor cat only. She is not a fighter and would fare poorly against other cats, dogs, and other dangers that threaten cats who go outside. The Persian's coat is also not designed to get rid of dirt. Letting a Persian out means you will have to spend a lot more time grooming your cat. Persians who go out are also more vulnerable and can be more easily stolen by people with bad intentions!

Persian cat


The Persian is easily recognizable : a large round head, large round eyes, a short nose, full cheeks and small ears with rounded tips. The head is supported by a short, thick neck and a sturdy, muscular body. The Persian's legs are short, thick and strong, with large, round, firm feet. The tail is short, but proportional to the length of the cat's body.

A long coat, thick, shiny and with a fine texture, completes the Persian look. It is long all over the body and includes a huge ruff around the neck , a deep ruff between the front legs, long tufts around the ears and toes.

Persian cat silhouette

Persians may be slightly different . Some, known as Peke-face Persians , have extremely flat faces . Think twice about what respiratory problems such a cat might have before deciding to get one. "Traditional" (doll-face) Persians are said to have a more "old-fashioned" appearance , with a face that is not as flat as the Show Persian or Peke-face Persian.

Persians are distinguished by their infinite variety of coat colors and patterns. Imagine your cat with color divisions: white, blue, black, red, cream, tan, chinchilla, chocolate and lilac...

Eye color is linked to coat color . For example, White Persians have bright dark blue or copper eyes. Solid-colored Persians have bright copper eyes. Silver and gold Persians have green or blue-green eyes and so on.

Persian cat


Persians are not the best choice for a house full of rambunctious children and dogs , but they have no objection to being the object of a gentle child's attentions or to rubbing with a friendly dog ​​who doesn't mind them. not pursue and which does not cause them worry.

So, are you ready to adopt this magnificent Persian cat? Here’s a short video that might help you decide!

Cat earrings

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